Tuesday 28 May 2013

Muse - Emirates Stadium, 25/05/13

So the other night, I was lucky enough to see Muse on what I would say is their best tour yet. I've seen footage from all of their tours throughout the Showbiz era to The Resistance Era, then I got to see them last year on their The 2nd Law Tour and luckily this year on their Summer Stadiums 2013/Unsustainable Tour. I FEEL LIKE THE LUCKIEST GIRL IN THE WORLD

Let's go through the experience...

On Friday evening, me and my friends got the train from Newcastle down to London and stayed at a relative's in Windsor. Then on Saturday morning, me and one of my friends went to the almighty Emirates Stadium and waited outside from 11:30... the five and a half hour wait couldn't have been better! We met two other wonderful Musers, and we heard the band soundchecking United States of Eurasia, New Born and Madness; needless to say, I was borderline hysterical.

When the gates /finally/ opened, we ran inside to get our places at the front. Ended up two rows from the barrier as soon as we got in, the wait was definitely worthwhile!

Bastille were the first support act at 6pm... and they were one of the most boring bands I have ever witnessed. (Unfortunately I saw them again yesterday at Evolution Festival, and they were just as bad)

Then Dizzee Rascal was the second and final support act, and honestly, I thought he was brilliant. Unlike Bastille, he got the crowd going and was just generally really fun to watch and dance to! (BIG DIRTEE STINKING BASS, DIRTEE STINKIN BASS)

Then, the greatest band in the world themselves... MUUUUUUSE!

They're all my good photos! Here are my videos too: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPbSvwfQN0xuuVxxU97jpHdSWYhhRT1td

Overall, it was truly one of the best concerts I've ever been to, on par to The Born This Way Ball which I attended in Manchester last year. Everything from the setlist to the pyrotechnics to the stage to the phenomenal performances from Matt, Dom and Chris was exemplary, and I know this won't be the last time I see them. If you have the chance to see them, grab it with both hands, they truly are the greatest band in the world!

Saturday 18 May 2013

A New Obsession

Over the past couple of months, I've rediscovered my love for the BBC's adaptation of Sherlock, and it's taken over my life. Quite literally.

For those of you haven't heard of it, "Sherlock is a British television crime drama that presents a contemporary update of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes detective stories" (source: Wikipedia) written by Steven Moffat, Mark Gatiss and Stephen Thompson, and stars Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes and Martin Freeman as Dr. John Watson.

I could honestly go on forever about how exemplary every aspect of this show is... from the cast to the acting to the writing and to the cinematography, everything is impeccable.

I'm sure a lot of you have seen or at least heard of it (and if you haven't, why haven't you?), however, what I wanted to share with you today was the soundtracks.

Sherlock - Original Television Soundtrack, Music from Series One

Sherlock - Original Television Soundtrack, Music from Series Two

Most people have seen the show, but a lot of people miss the soundtracks. Written by David Arnold and Michael Price, every track perfectly illustrates the emotion and situation of the scenes they are used in, for example, every time I hear 'Prepared To Do Anything' on the Series Two soundtrack, well... I wouldn't want to reveal any spoilers. (but let's just say I sob quite a bit)

I've been listening to both soundtracks constantly in recent weeks, so if you've seen the show, I strongly encourage you to have a listen. I'm sure even those of you who haven't seen it will appreciate the musical artistry involved. Both are phenomenal, and for those of you who are emotionally invested in this series, incredibly emotionally evocative.

Here's a link to the Series One Soundtrack: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEuhTza_eM8&list=PL4DCD36A1C653227D


Melissa x

Sunday 12 May 2013

Jeffrey Campbell Foxy Gradient Shoes


So recently, a beautiful package in the shape of a JC box arrived at my door, eeeeek! I squealed like a 12 year old girl at a Justin Bieber concert, not going to try and deny it.

They're absolutely beautiful, with a white leather upper and gradient heel in the signature, chunky, Lita-esque shape, contrasted with the wooden platform. Can't wait to wear these at prom!

Have you bought any gorgeous shoes lately? I would love to see!

Melissa x

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Rita Ora Meet and Greet Experience

Ahhhhhh, I had been looking forward to this day for so long and it was more amazing than I could ever have imagined!

On the morning of the concert, my friend and I who I was going with were ecstatic, we couldn’t wait! We had no idea that we were actually going to meet her too...

During my second lesson at school, @Turn1stArtists tweeted about a Newcastle meet and greet competition with Rita, where you had to take a photo of yourself with your tickets and hash tag it with “#radioactivetour”. Easy enough, right? Not for us!

I panicked because there was only about an hour and a half to enter, I didn’t have our tickets with me because I was at school and we only had a 15 minute slot at break to get my Dad (who isn’t very tech-savvy) to send us a photo of our tickets and enter. Wasn’t looking good...

Lucky enough for us, we managed to do all of that! We entered three times, and one of our entries was a picture of us with my drawing of Rita which we thought would give us an advantage.

Okay, so we entered, and it was just a matter of waiting... unfortunately, just to add to the tension, the winners were due to be announced at 12 which was at the start of the ONLY LESSON where I’m in the basement with no phone signal. Ahhhh, screw you Chemistry!

Me and my friend happened to be together during that lesson, which made matters even worse, we were just freaking the whole lesson! It was by far the longest 50 minutes of our lives; we were just dying to know if we had won. Luckily enough, our one of our amazing friends got signal at the end of the lesson, so while we squeezed each other’s hands, he checked my Instagram for that beautiful “WINNER!” comment...




We arrived on time, but still ended up waiting in the rain for 40 minutes and looked like drowned rats by the time we got inside the venue. We were worried about looking hideous standing next to the beautiful Rita, but fortunately, we had to wait another half an hour before going in to meet her! *reliefffffff*

There were about six pairs of people (including us) who were about to meet her, and we were at the back of the line meaning we had the longest time with her! Could this day get any better?!

Okay, so enough rambling... onto the actual MEET AND GREET!

When we finally went in, she was one of the most beautiful, genuine and down to earth people I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet, she was so lovely! She gave us both a hug when we went and was asking how we were, said we looked great, told me she bought a pair of white Doc’s (which I was wearing) that day... she couldn't stop apologising for us having to wait in the rain for ages, we didn't mind of course, it was so worth it! We felt so at ease with her, as if she was a friend we had known for years!

I showed her my drawing, and I was so happy because she was beaming; she absolutely loved it, I couldn’t have been happier with her reaction, I felt so honoured! She even said she'd put her copy up on her wall! She signed it for me, (even though she couldn’t figure out how to spell my name hehe) and I noticed her watch while she was signing it, it was gorgeous! She told me it was Rolex, and she pointed at my gold Casio and said “I’ve got loads of those, I love them!” I started babbling on about how I wanted it because it reminded me of her amazing style, and mid-blubbery-sentence, she hugged me again! I was so happy!

After that, we got our photo taken with her and said goodbye... we were sad to leave, but at the same time, so happy and overwhelmed that we had met one of the most beautiful and talented people in the world!

If you ever read this Rita, thank you so much for an amazing night, we’ll never forget it! I love you!

Melissa x

Monday 28 January 2013

Rita Ora Drawing

I'm seeing Rita Ora tomorrow night at the O2 Academy in Newcastle, eeeeep I'm so excited! I'm really hoping to get this signed... *fingers crossed*

This is the first drawing I’ve finished in at least half a year, and I’ve realised how much I miss it! I used to regularly draw at all hours, even staying up until 2am on a school night to finish drawings, (ooh rebel) but now I just don’t have enough time because of GCSE’s and everything that entails them , namely homework, coursework and exam revision. Blehhhhh... you know the drill! (I'm such a whinge, don't pity me)

I tried out a technique I’ve never used before with this drawing, where I used a HB pencil to sketch out the main outlines and then went on to using multiple kinds of black ballpoint pen to draw it out properly. I’ve done some shading, particularly on the arms and the neckline, but very little elsewhere because I wanted it to look Andy Warhol-esque and make her facial features very prominent.

I’d love to know what you think! Please tweet me @melissateri or leave a comment, especially if you want to leave feedback for improvement, I’m always looking to get better!

Melissa x

Saturday 29 December 2012

Favourite Albums of 2012

Well, it’s almost the end of 2012, and can you believe another year has passed? I certainly can’t! One of my favourite parts of this year has been the music, (I’m aware One Direction and Justin Bieber released new albums but let’s pretend that never happened) so I’d like to share with you some of my favourite albums of 2012. Let me know in the comments what yours have been, whether it’s Bieber or not!

Just a quick note, I’m not a music expert/reviewer, so if I don’t sound like I know what I’m talking about... then I tried, haha. Enjoy!

Top 10

1. Muse – The 2nd Law

My favourite album by far this year has been The 2nd Law, and can you really question that? Whether you loved it or loathed it, it was certainly one of this year’s most over-the-top, ambitious and bombastic albums, and I think you’ll all agree that I’m mainly talking about the track Survival when I say that. I could quite easily do an in-depth, track by track review, because every single track has its own unique aspect, whether it’s the experimental rock/dubstep in The 2nd Law: Unsustainable, the haunting opening of Animals or the pompous falsettos in Supremacy and Survival, it’s proved that it’s more than worthy of the Grammys it has been nominated for in 2013. The album cover in itself is in your face, eye-catching and somewhat unidentifiable, (I mean yeah it looks a bit like a brain, but seriously, what is it?) which relates to the music perfectly.

I was lucky enough to see Muse perform in Manchester this year, and I would also like to credit them for one of the best concerts I have ever witnessed, and they truly deserve the Q Award they received for Best Live Act in the World Today. Congratulations Muse, and thank you for proving to me over and over again why you’re my favourite band of all time!

Favourite/Recommended Tracks:
I genuinely can’t choose favourite tracks; I’d just end up listing them all. I honestly believe this is a must-have album, so if you haven’t heard it, listen to it now!

2. Coldplay – Live 2012

Wow. This year, Coldplay embarked on their worldwide Mylo Xylotour, (which I was lucky enough to attend in Sunderland) and have released an album of recordings from Paris, Montreal and Glastonbury Festival to involve everyone who wasn’t lucky enough to see them, and for those who did see them, relive every moment. Although some people wouldn’t technically class this as a new album, I think it’s phenomenal in every way shape and form because it flaunts Coldplay’s ability to engage with the crowd, by making them do everything from screaming with happiness to being moved to tears. Of course you can only see this by watching the accompanying DVD, however, the audio is enough to showcase their outstanding musical ability; the only thing that gets me is, how are they going to top it? I have faith that they can do it because, after all, this is Coldplay we’re talking about. If you’ve never really listened to Coldplay, then I recommend you listen to/watch Live 2012, because I can guarantee it’ll impress you.

Favourite/Recommended Tracks:
Again, I’d just end up listing them, so listen to/watch the whole performance if you’re interested. Trust me, it’ll be worth your while.

3. Lianne La Havas – Is Your Love Big Enough?

I really don’t want to sound like one of those people who are like “Ooh I heard of this before everyone look at me look at me aren’t I awesome!!!1!1” because let’s face it, they all get on our nerves, BUT I want to throw out there that I heard of, saw and met Lianne in May before her album was released, and I feel very privileged. Of course I know I wasn’t the only person who had heard of her, because I’m not far enough up my own arse to imply that.

Anyway, onto the review...

This is my favourite debut album of the year, and definitely one of the best I’ve ever heard. Lianne’s vocals in this album are raw, heartfelt and flawless, and I know there’s a bright future for her; each track is one of a kind, and the lyrics are truly moving. Also, her guitar work is beautiful, and accompanies her vocals perfectly. Is Your Love Big Enough? has been featured as iTunes Album of the Year, and I can completely understand why! If you haven’t yet heard of her, I wholeheartedly recommend you buy this album because it’s a masterpiece in its own right.

Favourite/Recommended Tracks:
I’m so bad at this omg, why do I even bother with a Favourite Tracks section? Haha! Just listen to the whole album; you’ll be hooked on her in no time!

4. Emeli Sand̩ РOur Version of Events

As I’m sure you know, this was (understandably) the biggest selling album of 2012. It’s very easy listening, but when you listen to it deeply, you can hear Emeli’s emotions throughout every song; her vocals are flawless. Some songs, namely Breaking The Law, consist primarily of vocals and very little instrumentation, which really makes her voice stand out and send shivers up your spine. I would recommend this album to anyone because I believe it’s a universal album that will appeal to almost everyone; let me know if you disagree, you’d be the first I’d heard!

Favourite/Recommended Tracks:
Okay I’m just going to stop doing this bit because I can’t choose favourite tracks they’re just all so gooooooood

5. The Killers – Battle Born

After a long wait since their last album in 2009, The Killers finally returned with Battle Born, and it was well worth the wait! The album begins with a false impression as the beginning of Flesh and Bone is quiet and subtle, but the reason I say it’s false is because the album is everything but quiet and subtle; it’s full of fantastic guitar riffs, drum fills and vocals which are far from subtle! Of course, it’s not as bombastic as The 2nd Law because Muse almost have their own genre in that sense, but Battle Born is an extraordinary album in its own right, and I was lucky enough to see The Killers live in Newcastle to see most of the album performed at its full potential. Welcome back The Killers, you have been missed!

6. The xx – Coexist

When Coexist was announced, I was doubtful as to whether The xx could top their debut album... well, I had nothing to worry about. I can’t decide which is better, which I suppose proves that it lives up to its predecessor’s reputation! It carries the same unique sound that The xx is known and renowned for, and wow, it truly is phenomenal. I can listen to this album over and over and never get bored because I’ve heard nothing like their sound.

Also, I saw them live at the O2 Academy in Newcastle, and they were nothing like what I expected! I was expecting the whole gig to be chilled and mellow like their music, but somehow they managed to throw in some strobe lighting and heavy beats here and there, and it was absolutely amazing! There are some photos on my Instagram if you want to check them out. If you get the chance, GO AND SEE THEM!

7. Nicki Minaj – Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded


Okay, I guess I’ve got a lot of explaining to do. Basically, this is a great album full of rap and fun dance tracks, and I honestly believe Nicki is the most talented female rapper out there. Yes she might not be the greatest role model or whatever, but that’s irrelevant to her outstanding rap skills! That’s all I can say to explain myself really, I can feel the knives at my throattttt

As a side note though, I’m not really a fan of her as a person or the album cover, (because omg just look at it) but I love this album and really enjoyed seeing her at the Metro Radio Arena because the atmosphere was amazing, and she only mimed a little bit. She’s so talented! I wouldn’t recommend this album to everyone because I know a LOT of people can’t stand her music, but if you’re open minded or just enjoy mindless pop/rap, then go ahead!

8. Ke$ha – Warrior

I don’t think everyone realises that Ke$ha writes her own music... she’s so talented! Warrior is full of addictive beats and lyrics, and she doesn’t sound too auto-tuned. There’s definitely a mixture of soulless, fun pop and the odd ballad, but Ke$ha never disappoints; if you need a pick-me-up or just something fun to listen to, this album’s perfect, as are her other albums. Definitely worth a listen, there’s going to be some more HUGE singles! If you say you’ve never danced to a Ke$ha song, I know you’re lying.

9. The Script - #3

As always, The Script have made a beautiful album that you can’t help but fall in love with. At the moment, my favourite track is Kaleidoscope because it has an addictive sound (you’ll get what I mean if you’ve heard it) but every track is amazing in a different way. Danny’s vocals are perfect as always, however, there’s a lot of rapping which I don’t think sounds right for The Script... on a first listen, I really didn’t like it and I was disappointed, but the album really grew on me and I really love it. Hooray!

I believe this is an album that, after a few listens, everyone can enjoy. The Script have a distinctive sound that’s definitely showcased in this album, and it’s a must-have!

10. Rita Ora – ORA

I first heard of Rita Ora when I saw her supporting Coldplay at the Stadium of Light, and wow, she really impressed! She got the crowd going, and her vocals were absolutely amazing. I can see big things in the future for Rita!

All of the songs are extremely catchy, and her voice is amazing. My only gripe is that although Facemelt is a brilliant opening track, it’s extremely short and abruptly ends... such a shame because it’s got a really fun beat! Every time I listen to ORA I’ve got a different favourite, they’re all so catchy and really get stuck in your head. It’s definitely worth a listen, and one of the best debut albums of the year.  Can’t wait to see what she has in store for the future!

Other Notable Albums
  •          Marina and the Diamonds – Electra Heart
  •          Paloma Faith – Fall to Grace
  •          Calvin Harris – 18 Months
  •          Lana Del Rey – Born To Die
  •          Jessie Ware – Devotion
  •          Lulu James – Rope Mirage (EP)


Well I've been wanting to start up a blog for a long time, so here we go! It'll primarily consist of music and fashion related posts, so I hope you enjoy what you read if you decide to follow. Thank you, and enjoy!

Melissa x