Monday 28 January 2013

Rita Ora Drawing

I'm seeing Rita Ora tomorrow night at the O2 Academy in Newcastle, eeeeep I'm so excited! I'm really hoping to get this signed... *fingers crossed*

This is the first drawing I’ve finished in at least half a year, and I’ve realised how much I miss it! I used to regularly draw at all hours, even staying up until 2am on a school night to finish drawings, (ooh rebel) but now I just don’t have enough time because of GCSE’s and everything that entails them , namely homework, coursework and exam revision. Blehhhhh... you know the drill! (I'm such a whinge, don't pity me)

I tried out a technique I’ve never used before with this drawing, where I used a HB pencil to sketch out the main outlines and then went on to using multiple kinds of black ballpoint pen to draw it out properly. I’ve done some shading, particularly on the arms and the neckline, but very little elsewhere because I wanted it to look Andy Warhol-esque and make her facial features very prominent.

I’d love to know what you think! Please tweet me @melissateri or leave a comment, especially if you want to leave feedback for improvement, I’m always looking to get better!

Melissa x

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